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NAME: Eugene R.Z
AGE: 19
HOBBIES: Football the beautiful game, and others



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FrostFireX Forums
Hui Ling
Jun Ren
Khyrul the keeper
Loo Hui ling
Phay Key
Shyang Long
Si hui
Sock Ling
Tsz Man


[Images]: jogatv.com
[Program]: Photoshop 2.0
[Designer]: queenofheart-.blogspot.com =))

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

it's about how i thought i understood you. or maybe i really do.
what happened that day, it wasn't like you at all. Defies your personality. So much i wanna tell you, argue with you, express my anger/disappointment that i felt that day, show u that i'm right about you, but all i can do is pretend nothing's wrong between us. So fake.
why? Maybe cause you would disagree even if i got it right, and play it down and avoid the topic with a simple word like how you did it that time. Merely cause you wanted the easy way out, hide in the darkness so you didn't need to explain, i wish you could just be honest and natural with me.
Things have changed, I've already accepted the way things are, you needn't be afraid anymore. Just let things flow..and i thought you knew my intentions. So terribly wrong. A simple day's plan turned out to be such hell, I can't understand why.
Why am I not letting this matter go even though its been some time already.
you're a mystery i guess i would never solve, unless you tell me, talk to me..

fanaticme->8:07 PM

Friday, November 21, 2008

I know I'm abit lag. This happened last week and it still puzzles the shit outta me.
It's been so long.. but I think I still can't understand you.
Case closed? Only cause you don't wanna talk about it.

fanaticme->12:46 AM

Thursday, November 13, 2008

so glad that my pic in the previous post managed to irritate the shit outta my tpjc soccer coach mr nordin. roflmao

fanaticme->12:52 AM

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

And let's not forget...

I know, i know, this was last season, but this is what you call a real convincing win. Can't wait for the top 4 to face United at Old trafford.

fanaticme->12:47 AM

Monday, November 10, 2008

the nightmares still flash in my head, miss after miss
I still can't comprehend how the fuck we managed to lose that game.
That's the beauty of football though,
cruel yet beautiful.
Oh man I love football, and my wonderful United.
We lost but we lost with pride,
well done Arsenal you guys have been worthy opponents.
United boss Sir Alex Ferguson called it ''fantasy football'', while Wenger added: ''It does not matter if you love Manchester United or love Arsenal. It was a game for people who just love football.''

fanaticme->10:01 PM

Sunday, November 09, 2008

It was a humid Saturday afternoon at Ashburton Grove
all I remember were the crowd's deafening roars
and the torrential rain pouring down on the pitch.
I knew this was it, this was the special day
The life of a striker, simple as it seems
but hell no, the world's weight lies on your shoulders.
Dimitar received a ball inside the box.
Brilliantly as always,
he twisted and released Cristiano at the far side on his right.
Tracking back, anticipating the cutback from Ronnie and it really came.
The next thing i knew was the ball gone to the stands.
Game over, it was still 0-0 and the chance was gone.
And I knew, those 3 seconds were gonna replay and haunt me
in my head.
A striker's life
simple as it seems, not so.
With utmost concentration, you pour your entire soul into a single shot
and pray it hits the net.
There was the moment, i knew we weren't gonna get better chances than that the entire afternoon.
And it was gone, forever.
It's hard not to be disappointed, at 0-0 that goal would have changed things.
If it had gone in, we wouldn't have been losing at half time.
If it had gone in, we wouldn't have pushed for the goal so much that we conceded another.
All the IFs, but it was too late. The scoreboard read Arsenal 2 Man Utd 0. My heart sank.
Michael Carrick's shot, Dimitar's disallowed goal, Wayne's 2 misses, Park's blistering shot. Cristiano's miss after we went 2-0 down.
We can talk about luck, no doubt their first goal was a result of poor defending, but it took a deflection to go in.
What about us, Cristiano's free kick was wickedly deflected by Gael Clichy, but where did it end up? Shaving the post and out for a corner.
I was resigned and knew it wasn't gonna be our night.
How on earth did we create so many chances but not a single one went in?

Don't fault Wayne, Ronnie, and the others so much. It wasn't easy to take those chances and nobody would know that more clearly than me. Cause i know how it feels. That lonely feeling when you feel you let the entire world down, not just your team. It takes great spirit and time to shake away.
Arsenal 2 Man Utd 1
there's always a brighter day in the future ahead.

fanaticme->4:33 PM

"We were both young when I first saw you
I closed my eyes and the flashback starts
I'm standing there
On a balcony in summer air"

"See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns
I see you make your way through the crowd
And say hello
Little did I know"

"That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said, "stay away from Juliet"
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you, please don't go
And I said: Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story
Baby, just say yes"

"So, I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while"

"I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you is fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town
And I said: "Romeo, save me
I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you, but you never come"
Is this in my head
I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
And said "Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad
Go pick out a white dress
It's a love story
Baby, just say yes"

fanaticme->4:29 PM

Monday, November 03, 2008

you're just a joke, right from your name, to your physical shape, to the naive way of thinking you're entitled to everything that everyone else has. Beggars don't get to choose, please, they eat whatever's given to them.

fanaticme->10:00 PM

Monday, October 27, 2008

This is gonna be a "sinister" post, so buzz off if u ain't interested. I'm just secretly laughing at how some people's idiosyncrasy shows their utmost stupidity and highlights the low-class standards of their nature.

First of all, if you're already inferior, don't comment and undermine what people say and do. Speaks a whole lot of shit about you and it even shines the spotlight on your shortcomings, (if you even realize it which i doubt.) Stuffing yourself with a couple of branded goods makes u feel good but it doesn't make you rich (something which i think you're desperately trying to convince people to believe). Oh yeah I could hear you listing the things you wanna do to improve from afar but you're still the same as before. All fart but no shit. And please, you change your mind more times than any auntie i've seen in my entire life.

The reason why I don't say all these things? I don't wanna stoop to the pathetically low level that you already are and mess with others. why not concentrate on yourself more, probably you'll end up in better shape. Stop trying so hard to prove you're better than others when you're just a........... (fill in whatever words deemed fit to describe a loser). It amuses me when people say negative things about you and you get so worked up, worried that it hit a raw nerve and someone is exposing your true self?

Ha ha, I guess you lack acceptance. It's no wonder you even got dumped by someone of that standard and haven't even recovered from it.

fanaticme->1:13 AM

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Liverpool 2 Manchester United 1

The defeat hurts. First of all, let me stress this. It's not just about the performance and the scoreline, but it's just LIVERPOOL.
And also, starting so well and ended up like this.

Don't get me wrong, United were outplayed in midfield most of the game, and arguably deserved to get at most a point from this game. But fuck, we're supposed to be champions of England, champions of Europe.
I hate the fact that United are traditional slow starters to every season, peaking at mid season and beyond. I love the fact that United hate to lose and will fight back like wounded animals in the next games to come.
I know I'm not just comforting myself when I say Cristiano Ronaldo has not entered the fray and revive United's season. And also, Berbatov hasn't gelled into the team just yet.

"It's great," Carragher told Sky Sport.
"It's been too long and it's not just the three points. It's also the belief and confidence it gives us, because we've beaten the best team in Europe. It gives us the belief that we can beat anyone in the league."

I'm glad you know you just beat the best team in Europe. How I wish all the liverpool fans will be as humble and professional like their defensive lynchpin. I can only amuse myself when I see them celebrating like they won the league/world cup. Need I remind you that it's only the 4th game of the season and you're only 3 points clear of us? I don't remember celebrating so much when United won Liverpool again and again and again x 8917414764761. Okay, maybe they do have the right to be in such ecstacy. I forgot it's been SEVEN long years since you tasted victory against United.

I'll be waiting, United will be waiting, when you come to Old Trafford. We'll see who's laughing then.

fanaticme->5:04 AM

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

fabian is a jackass who likes to pangseh others. zzz so much for acting like an angel on ur blog. Ur the kind of people that don't deserve to be trusted.

fanaticme->10:41 PM

fabian is a jackass who likes to pangseh others. zzz so much for acting like an angel on ur blog

fanaticme->10:41 PM

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